Special Correspondence / Connecting Church and State Constitutionally

Lowenthal, David

ably into the '40s, '50s, and '60s, and there was not a single winner of the past decade or two that could not be described as anything but appalling. The culminating dis. grace was the 1971...

...The Center's founders are convinced that a free society can be created only if the ideas of freedom are preserved, developed, and communicated to the widest possible audience...
...Let us begin by reminding ourselves that the demand for a Bill of Rights as such came from those who feared the power a much-strengthened national government might exercise over the states and the people...
...Directed from the Center's national headquarters in New York City, these activities combine to form a strategic program to create a free society...
...In this one place, therefore, what looks like a clear preference for religion over irreligion was put in the Constitution at the behest of forces that were not happy with the original document...
...Chapman notes, Thanksgiving Proclamations had already become a presidential tradition before Jefferson refused to issue them...
...If Mr...
...Ala Imnuml sul~xiption to In/~asu/t ~r ~ corns $6...
...Almost nothing functions smoothly including the secret police, and yet the comrades are frantically building a military machine larger and more expensive than any on this earth...
...But how will the religions themselves fare under this regimen...
...As for their relation to anti-establishment provisions in state constitutions, let us look briefly at two of these issues--aid to parochial schools and school prayer...
...We have the facilities...
...For this reason, when only one religion is thinkable in a society (as in ancient Israel), or when its dominance in society exists independently of any choice made by the state (as in the Catholic Middle Ages), or when religion itself is not to some degree independent of the state (as in the ancient polls), the term "establishment" would not apply...
...Then ISL serves as your continuing inflation alert...
...The central problem of democracy is that it tends to drive liberty and equality to extremes, and hence to destroy the moderation and lawfulness that alone can prolong its existence...
...Lowenthal blames on the separation of church and state are serious, but I doubt they would be cured, or even ameliorated, by allowing prayers in public schools...
...Given the increasing numbers of irreligious people in our society--a phenomenon I regret as much as Mr...
...In this country the Declaration oJ Independence systematically and strongl) linked together the philosophical conception of God, based on reason, with the freedom and equality of men constitutin 8 the basis and aim of every just society...
...Thus, the new union was made to look like an entirely man-made device or convention created in the name of the people and ratified by them for the improvement of their earthly well-being, even if among the "liberties" whose blessings were to be secured for themselves and their posterity was undoubtedly religious liberty itself...
...This may well account for the otherwise perplexing peculiarity of the language: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...
...In addition, Jefferson was willing to have the state assist the various sectarian religions equally at the University '--with public lands, public facilities, and a n ' 'expectation" that students attend for worship and instruction...
...And it's still falling...
...I want to join tbe battle of ideas for liberty...
...Who ever supposed that Jane Fonda's schoolmarm sermonizing and Warren Beatty's middleaged eroticism were in any sense an improvement over Bob Hope...
...The whole notion of justice has no sufficient support if it is not anchored in a being from which it draws eternal status and strength...
...ment" refers only to state support of single church or religion contradicts no~ only Madison's understanding of the tern but that of the Encyclopedia Britannica: which concedes parenthetically that su~ support can "conceivably [be provided to] more than one...
...But the "free exercise of The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 19 religion" means exactly that: only the kind of belief and conduct properly called "religious" is constitutionally placed beyond prohibition by Congress...
...How did the original Constitution treat religion ? First, Congress received no direct power to act on religious matters...
...i6QO000~iQ~DQD00OOQ~00OQ~00tQQ~9DI0~009~000i0mB0D00iQoO~BD0DD0tBD000D0QDD0DDD0Q0BQIQQ800IgQDmii0DD9IQjD00OoDD~D~0QQoBDD00Iu0UDQ~m~U900t00 000Q0DDD Speeial Correspondenee / DavidLowenthal Couuectiug Religiou aud Govemmeut Coustitutioually A ease for incomplete separation, with a response from Stephen Chapman...
...merits, grew out of his disapproval of a measure to provide public money to all o~ Virginia's denomin_ations--convincing evi...
...Q0DIOIQmu00g0Q~QQ0000oQ000QQ00QQ0~QoD0oQ00QQ0~QQQQ00Q0oQQ00D00O0g00O~tm00jQOI0O~Q00Q00O00~0DoI0o0Q0Qo0~QBQ0~00I~o~60IoQ00ooa~8o oo0tQo~o00QoooQ A WORLD WITHOUT RUSSIANS (continued from page 4) adhered to a memorably stultifying foreign policy, and all indications are that things will not be improving soon...
...Madison had wanted to limit the states further by preventing them from violating the "equal rights of conscience," but this proposal was rejected by the Senate, even though Madison declared the restrictions to be placed on the states to be "the most valuable of the whole list...
...Why, then, should the nationa and state governments, each in way,, appropriate to its jurisdiction, refrain frort calling upon, and strengthening, a con nection with religion so vital to their well being--i.e., to their secular good healtt and longevity...
...How have thay fared under it in the past...
...An annual event that significantly helps to shift the climate of intdlectual opinion in the direction of freedom...
...Nevertheless, it was quite generally understood, in Europe and America, that a religious establishment entailed a religious preference not shared among all religions...
...Presidential inaugurations will no longer have ministers of various faiths participating, and presidents themselves will be warned against invoking God or His justice in their public statements...
...And heavy on common sense...
...So far we have sought the general outlines of the two religious sections of the First Amendment without defining either "establishment," which figures in the first, or "religion," which figures in both...
...Here, then, is a Jefferson (and a Madison, too, since both worked jointly on most of these enterprises) his more fanatic latter-day followers never read or heed--one little fit to be the high priest of absolute separationism, or the chief architect of an impervious wall between church and state...
...He would do his utmost to find wise and constitutional means of inculcating that temperance, that sense of gratitude to ancestors and duty to posterity, that reverence for law, that love of moderated freedom dictated by reason and traceable in religion to the unyielding will of a good God...
...Chapman nevertheless plunges ahead for constitutional consistency in favor of absolute separation, regardless of consequences...
...m ~ $1000 [:] $500 [] $100 [] $50 ~ OtherS...
...As a result, few will be prepared to survive the coming crbis...
...This may have been the first effort to employ nonsectarian religious readings, prayers, and the like in public schools...
...Carter is well-advised to clean up his act: In particular, he needs to keep tighter rein on the occasionally foolish impulses of some of his subordinates...
...M~lical amd Di~bib~ In...
...How do these two expressions compare...
...The "Manual" is the important first step in your program to beat inflation...
...By monitoring economic trends, investment patterns, and political developments, ISL tells you exactly when to take action...
...PLUS ilL AT'A $2~ SAVINGS...
...in a word, establishment is of the nature of a monopoly...
...Both actions, however, share the same spirit, and together they constituted a spectacular defeat for Madison...
...hensive statement of opposition to state...
...This principle is illustrated by the prohibition of Mormon polygamy in the Utah Territory and the denial of any constitutional right to conscientious objection on the part of conscripted religious pacifists...
...One fundamental principle guides the Center: the principle that ideas are the key to social change...
...No person can be punished for entertaining or professing reli...
...Your personal survival strategy begins with a subscription to the "Inflation Survival Letter...
...Chapman is convinced it is constitutionally required and wise as a principle...
...Should this preparation be wholly divorced from the religious background of the country...
...There b still time to act, but the next few months may offer your very M~/chance...
...O ~ J to keep--even if I n~ 7~ to refund mY m~ 790 STRA~ PAIUr TWOt mgOULA~ AND ~sm lmwen Too ewr~kkl,n~.~,aj~, er..4.~mdAmi~m Ammw~deg.k~thstmmimBl~l)Gm~u j A~IRu ~,,~,, _9 l a , , ~ ~ to ~ J . . . . . . . . . ____ . . . . I The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 35 thing to do with the establishment clause...
...Lowenthai argues at some length to prove a point I made in my article, that Madison and Jefferson did not interpret the First Amendment to apply to the states...
...The choice rests with those who make up their minds to join the battle o f ideas for liberty...
...On the contrary, the public need for a philosophical and religious belief in God required an obvious public preference for religion over non-religion or irreligion, and this preference Jefferson did not think inconsistent with the legal protection afforded even atheists within free society...
...By 1972 the Soviets' nuclear submarine force had expanded beyond the size of the American force, and the Soviets continued to expand it in 1973 by introducing a new submarine armed with a missile larger than our advanced Poseidon...
...Note that establishment involves an action by the state, not by a religion, and presumes the actual or possible existence of more than one religion, of which one is made in some sense official...
...An organization designed to actually accomplish what, until now, has been only dreamed about by other foundations, political parties and activist groups...
...21.95 And don't forget: your payment is dedue...
...Their conventional land force is larger and as well equipped as the American force, and for the first time in history this land power is developing a world-wide naval capacity...
...Think of it, the USSR is a country clinging to a standard of living comparable to that of Appalachia...
...A certain forgetfulness of history marks its very opening, for the First Amendment, by itself, can hardly be understood as binding on the states...
...Chapman and Justice Black seek, and he did not enlist himself in the cause of perfecting that separation by criticizing the numerous and varied interconnections that remained...
...Nor, as we have seen, is such aid barred by the free exercise section, though it must be admitted that the direct tendance of religion is not within Congress' just authority...
...But that would be too much to hope for, particularly when I am mindful of two of the presenters of awards...
...dence that he interpreted the word "establishment" to embrace all forms ot state support of religion, whether directed at one sect or all...
...all his life he insisted that the dause protected both believers and nonbelievers...
...The following year, in his plans for the state University of Virginia (which he serveda, its fast rector from 1817 to 1826), Jefferson explicitly excluded the teaching o f " divinity"--i.e., sectarian religion--but included required courses in natural theology and in the morality on which all sects agree...
...Yes, you can...
...Tax immunities on the state and national levels raise an interesting problem in this respect, for while there have been no positive grants of money to religions, there has been the negative kind of aid involved in these immunities...
...Two of Mr...
...Despite Madison's later claim to the contrary, the word "prohibit" means something different from "infringe," or from the "abridge" (a word closer to "infringe") used direcdy afterward in connection with the remaining freedoms of the First Amendment...
...Are there not portions of the Bible that might he consistent with the views of all sects and useful in teaching the morality required of democratic citizens...
...We shall shortly see, moreover, that both Jefferson and Madison were willing to make rather remarkable accommodations to religion, on a non-preferential basis, when they became active later on in bringing public education to Virginia...
...Finally, with perfect logic, the public schools will be forbidden to teach the Declaration of Independence, with its basis in a providential Creator, not as an historical document or a manifestation of patriotism but as what it purported to be: a declaration of rational truths...
...The right and wise way is neither sectarian nor separatiouist but in between, and the public has already been won to this position, allowing public expression and support to be given to religion in a non-sectarian, non-preferential basis...
...The crucial point, as I said in my article, is that Madison and Jefferson "set down a clear and uncompromising principle," not that they applied it perfectly in all cases...
...These arc prccisdy the tasks oftbe Center for Libertarian Studies...
...As Mr...
...Yet the same "colonial mind" that favored widespread toleration admittedly favored state assistance to religion and even limiting the scope of toleration itself...
...The Constitution, including the First Amendment, does not make religion a direct interest of the national government, but allows to the states such a direct concern, and even a preferential one...
...traditions are indistinguishably blender together in a unique mixture, with the Go, of the Bible serving as the same God wh4 gave men their natural rights...
...The gasoline and food shortages o f 1974 were just a hint of what's in store...
...There is no religious test for national office, and both atheists and religious believers alike are meant to enjoy the further freedoms of the First Amendment and of the Bill of Rights generally...
...Padover, pp...
...It would cost you $34 to pugchase the individual blues o f ISI...
...Please renew my subscription for one year...
...He also provided that the teachers...
...Even if it had, that is no reason the Fourteenth Amendment could not incorporate the Bill of Rights to apply to the states: the Fourteenth Amendment supersedes the First Amendment as surely as the Twenty-First supersedes the Eighteenth...
...Lowenthal does--allowing such observances in public institutions would create some highly troublesome frictions in communities across the country...
...How you can help...
...Center for Libertarian Studies m ~ 200 p a r k Avenue sumh, Suite 911, New York, N.Y...
...The reason is this: religion consists of a combination of beliefs and actions, and the actions may transgress secular or civil laws...
...Stephen J . Chapman argued that the First and Fourteenth Amendments require a complete separation of church and state at all levels of government...
...9 An Educational Project...
...And who, or what, is Richard Pryor, another master of ceremonies...
...A $9.95 VALUE--YOURS FREE With a no-risk subscription to the , Inflatton Survival Letter...
...It denotes any special connection with the state, or privileges and responsibilities before the law, possessed by one religious society to the exclusion of others...
...I (Enclosed is one dollar to cover postage and handling...
...Jefferson's study of Locke is demonstrated by his notes of 1776 closely paraphrasing the argument of Locke's revolutionary Letter on Toleration...
...Its rate of productivity growth has dwindled to one percent...
...Significandy, he does not dispute my account of the intent of its Framers, chiefly Rep...
...It is quite possible, as Mr...
...State constitutions and state judges must be left to deal with the matter...
...Good citizens are made, not born, and public education, whether with Thomas Jefferson or Horace Mann, has always made the preparation for active and responsible citizenship one of its primary goals...
...So, appropriately, this year's winner was a song entitled "Evergreen" from the recent reincarnation of A Star Is Born, lyrics by Barbra Streisand (!), music by someone called Paul Williams...
...Here, as Tocqueville later noted in 1831, was where Christianity could perform a signal service for the new Republic, after certain adjustments had been made in its austere other-worldly morality...
...But if citizens have a right to send their children to non-public schools, as they do, it is a question of educational policy as to whether such schools be brought up to certain standards or not, and hence whether aid to their secular components-qua education and not qua religion --be granted...
...But your copy is absolutely fr~e, just f o r trying ISL at our risk...
...Living costs are ready to explode...
...Plus Mrs...
...and a good deal of it is devoted to examining the meaning and purpose of the free exercise clause, which is informative but irrelevant to a discussion of the establishment clause...
...Enclosed is my m tax-deductible contribution of: The Center's ---m~,~m...
...The first of these simply vanished--perhaps because it was thought subsumable under the ban on establishment, or because of complications arising from the fact that the national electorate was, by the Constitution, left to be determined by the states, which in turn could impose religious disabilities...
...But Black's hallmark explication fails on intrinsic constitutional grounds: in fact, its defects are so palpable as to make its renown all the more mysterious...
...The stakes are high, and there is not a moment to lose...
...Tocqueville did celebrate the general separation of church and state he found on both levels of government in this country, as Mr...
...What's the truth behind these optimistic ixedictions...
...popular opinion might occasionall demand...
...These belated interpretations, starting almost sixty years after the Fourteenth was framed and ratified, and inconsistent with the standard interpretation of that period, are greeted by Mr...
...Changing Your Address...
...For if, as Mr...
...9 The U ~ Scholms Conference...
...It should be evident that there is no other organization of any kind like the Center for Libertarian Studies...
...It may pruviJe that extra margin of protection that saves you from the very worst consequences o f inflation...
...It may prove to be unlike anything we've seen before...
...but ours purports to be and is a Nation that cares deeply about the moral dimension of human affairs, especially on issues that involve individual freedom and responsibility...
...Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer Dne religion over another...
...The first effort completely to separate church and state came, it seems, from Madison and Jefferson in Virginia, but we learn nothing to dispel the possible inference that somehow these men and their eminent allies were also part of the Great Awakening and brought its tolerant tendencies to their completion...
...We may add that this section, by implication, allows Congress to assist or encourage the free exercise of religion, since only prohibiting such exercise is denied it...
...Foreign travel will be restricted...
...such protection has no34 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 17 best hedges...
...is this insurance worth b2 cents a week to you...
...It's fast reading...
...Padover, p. 1110) Jefferson's use of the word "expect" meant that he was, in effect, willing to compel students m exercise their religion freely--and we must presume that in making such provisions (reminiscent of school prayer, released time, and other recent cases) Jefferson was not ignorant of the non-establishment and free exercise provisions he himself had written into Virginia's constitution...
...To arm young students of liberty with the knowledge they need to fght for a free society...
...32 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 A the threat to your fiber . A short time ago, America entered a new era of statism...
...Constitution is concerned) to preserve or surrender as they wish--though all have, in fact, surrendered it through constitutional provisions of their own...
...Lowenthai goes on to accuse me of "plunging ahead for constitutional consistency," a charge I cheerfully plead guilty to...
...In just a moment, weTI tell you about 17 Ingenious Inflation hedges you can use to protect your~elf and profit from the new 1977 InJ~lfion...
...To embark on a senseless crusade is one thing...
...I like to think that she kicked herself backstage for having been bested in repartee by Jason Robards, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of the executive editor of the ~Vashington Post in All the President's Men...
...Religion is much more necessary in the republic which they (the anti-religious republicans of the day) set forth in glowing colors than in the monarchy which they attack...
...It therefore has the fight to aid parochial schools...
...The Soviets and their proxies have been shipping arms to guerrilla bands in Angola, Mozambique, Dhofar, and to the Polisario Front in the Spanish Sahara...
...How is it possible that society should escape destruction if the moral tie is not strengthened in proportion as the political tie is relaxed...
...Advising and directing the Center are some of the world's best-known l i ~ . Among them are Nobel Prize-winner Friedrich A. Hayek, Pulitzer Prize-winner Felix Morley, and National Book Award-winner Robert Nozick...
...j 67 37 ~n,polu Hd., e.O..ox 2s99 " Land_9 HUb, Md...
...By contrast, the establishment section went much further than he wanted it to go because it gave the states protection against the national government...
...Over the next four years, you can expect to see a massive increase in government power, more blatant violations of the rights of property and production, and an expansion of liberal "social experimentation" with our fives...
...Carter's exhortations for respecting civil liberties are salutary indeed, but tyranny is not the USSR's only unappealing quality...
...People living on fixed incomes will be wiped out...
...Co/m I understand that ! haw the riaht to amcd after nmdO C~hy iauummre OIR~ttiq in Uranium...
...Lowenthai certainly knows, anything in the original Constitution can be altered by amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment altered the meaning of the First...
...The "Mamlal" b mime Ollow#efebYourh...
...Chapman grants, this section was partly intended to guarantee the right of states to their own religious establishments, how can its incorporation into the Fourteenth deny the states this right...
...Madison, who acquiesced in the demand, did not agree, and his original motions in the House of Representatives starting the amending process even attempted to place new limits on the states as well as on the national government...
...Important: allow six weeks for address change...
...It was alad remains a musical impossibility to sit at the piano and accompany oneself to "Shaft...
...but if he is not so inclined we should be both willing and able to survive without such negotiations as well...
...It's a useful, useable encyclopedia o f financial survival advice...
...We have the people...
...Chapman thinks "rights of conscience" clearly protected atheists and agnostics and was therefore replaced by religious freedom, meaning, apparently, freedom for religions and not for the irreligious...
...That is the conclusion that comes relentlessly to my mind, and to avoid such a conclusion takes either a loony genius or a failure of will...
...It is true that both he and Madison, as presidents, sought to avoid all connections between the national government and religion, but this may have been because they wanted to set the strongest example not only of conformity to the First Amendment but of strict constitutional construction with reference to the delegated powers of the president and Congress...
...But its most important errors consist in identifying establishment as any connection with religion rather than as a preference among religions, and in implying, or stating in so many words, that banning it entails governmental neutrality between religion and irreligion (a conclusion drawn explicitly only later...
...A r of the m~t realm f ' m fro" ~ Sludhim annual fi~mciml ~ r t may br ~ a i ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ New York SUltr Dolled of S4]cisd Wdfltr Ofrtce Tow(c, Empire State l ~ u l , Altmny, New York 1 ~ , or the C.~ttcr fr162 Lilmttluilm ~,~n~l...
...And it's a bargain at that price...
...The next few years could prove decisive...
...After a career of justified neglect as a playwright, Miss Hellman has gained solace in her old age by the constant and gratifying sight of people standing up and applauding when she enters a room...
...Now how did the First Amendment get absorbed into the Fourteenth, passed after the Civil War...
...This would explain why they could insist, counter to the "colonial mind," on disestablishment and on the elimination of religiously-grounded civil disabilities...
...I prefer t side with Madison, who insisted "it i proper to take alarm at the first experimer on our liberties...
...Evidently their own predecessors had a different view of constitutional requirements, for, as Mr...
...To develop the principles of liberty and apply them to today's social and economic problems...
...In some areas, no doubt, Mr...
...Further, they rush ahead with gigantic civil defense projects and with a military buildup that strongly suggests that they are attempting to achieve nothing less than a war-fighting, war-winning posture in strategic weaponry...
...security and unity to a free, diverse, and changing people...
...This is what the establishment section of the First Amendment forbids Congress to do on the national level, just as it forbids Congress to interfere with such preferences on the state level...
...That is why th Framers included such provisions in th Constitution, rather than protecting thez by statute: they wanted to guard again, the sort of short-sighted, willy-nilly abrid~ ment of certain rights and protections th...
...ooo*o** * * * o * * * * * * * * o * * * o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * ~ * * - * * * * * * * ' * * * * * * * * * CHURCH AND STATE (continued from page 20) deserving equal treatment with belief (in applying V~ginia's constitution) would nullify any religious activity in the schools whatsoever...
...On the other hand the Kremlin has been arming to the teeth...
...As I see it the advocates of revolutionary diplomatic departures are victims o f ; decaying will m govern...
...supported religion, the Monorial ann Remonstrance against Rdigio~s Assess...
...Nothing can be more manifest today than that the public mind needs to be set at rest, once and for all, on the place of religion in American public life...
...Chapman as a long overdue vindication of the Fourteenth's original meaning...
...Moreover, there was to be no religious test for national office, though it is hardly clear that this was motivated more by a desire to accommodate the irreligious than to prevent inter-religious disputes...
...It is therefore misleading to conclude, as Mr...
...When writing to us about your subscription always attach your adress label or print your name and address exactly as it appears on your address label...
...They compos, much of the Washington establishment against whom Mr...
...He seems to realize, as few do today, that a fixed constitution forms the backbone of the American Republic, providing, through its constancy as the supreme law of the land, a sense of David Lowenthal is professor of political science at Boston College...
...In God We Trust" and equal tax immunities illustrate this principle, and they rest on the premise that belief in God and the role of the religions in furthering this belief, along with a certain morality, contribute to the secular wellbeing of the Republic...
...Today they maunder about normalizing relations with Cuba, North Korea, and North Vietnam...
...Chapman repfies: Mr...
...We are not told that most of them were, in fact, rationalists of the Enlightenment, nurtured on the writings of John Locke and Montesquieu, and hence not only suspicious of revealed religion as such but bent on freeing political life from the hostilities, follies, and degradation associated with it...
...It has been our contention that neither the First nor the Fourteenth Amendments gives Congress or the federal courts any authority over state actions in the area of establishment...
...While Jefferson (together with Madison) is famous for championing religious freedom in Virginia, his work (and Madison's) as the rattier of American public education is much less known...
...Is Papa Brezhnev a subscriber to The New York Review of Books, and has he fallen for their lurid line on American ferocity...
...In those days, however, the term "conscience" still had a religious connotation--as shown even today by "conscientious objector...
...Thus, questions of school prayer, released or dismissed time, state aid to parochial schools, state tax immunities, are entirely out of place in federal courts, just as they were prior to the Supreme Court's decisions of 1925 and 1940...
...Note also that Jefferson displays no concern for the non-religious parent or child, since to consider non-belief as (continued on page 30) 20 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 foreign policy...
...And what can be done with a people who are their own masters if they are not...
...He wished to thank, more than anyone else, Ben Bradlee himself, "for being alive"--making Robards surely the only person extant to think such a thing, much less say it...
...fible on your income tax return if you use ISL for business or investment information...
...Congress cannot flatly prohibit the exercise of a whole religion--it cannot outlaw a religion--but it may be obliged, in pursuance of its own legitimate ends, to prevent religious actions at variance with the law, and hence to infringe or abridge the free exercise of a particular religion to that extent...
...Chapman does, that the First Amendment allowed libertarians to take solace in "the complete break between religion and government at the federal level," however correct his acknowledgement that it allowed the states to "retain their authority over religious m a t t e r s . " When President Jefferson produced his famous metaphor of the "wall of separation between church and State" in response to an inquiry about the First Amendment from the Danbury Baptists (1802), he certainly was not talking about the states but about the national government, and he meant that there could be no establishment of religion at that level--i.e., no designation of one religion as the national religion, and no display of preferential treatment...
...but no religious reading, instruction, or exercise shall be prescribed or practiced inconsistent with the tenets of any religious sect or denomination...
...We have the determination to win...
...Carter railed las summer...
...Is it necessary to scientifically compare "Evergreen" with the winning entries of Cole Porter, the Gershwin brothers, Harry Warren, or Harold Arlen...
...I agree that the establishment clause, consistently applied, would require the elimination of references to God in oaths, mottos, and the like, but that prospect does not horrify me...
...loin the battle of ideas for fiberty...
...What do you suppose they are up m ? Could this expenditure be merely a vast public works program m put a little boom into their drowsy economy...
...How many standing ovations can one woman endure in a lifetime...
...ISL may well be the most important investment you ever make...
...First, the First Amendment includes no mention of the states, and it does not guarantee them any powers...
...Chapman does not encourage judicial activism...
...Which, in fact, is where the awards ceremony resides today...
...But from his simple account of the opinions of Congressman John Bingham, one of the prominent framers of the amendment who regarded it as incorporating the entire Bill of Rights against the states, one would hardly become aware of the historical and scholarly complications of this muchcontroverted subject...
...9 Seminars...
...On the other side, their central idea--the belief in God--will not be demeaned to a public equality with irreligion, they will not suffer an artificial disconnection from the life of the citizen in liberal democracy, and they will be accorded a publicly recognized equality among themselves that will promote mutual toleration and respect...
...Chapman seems to admit, religions, and only religions, are singled out for protection by the "free exercise" section, and it would be ludicrous to read that section as if it could be extended to include those who have no religion...
...He accepts the widespread but questionable view that the First Amendment represented a victory for Madisonian principles...
...The Center for Libertarian Studies-long only a vision of a small group of dedicated scholars--is now a reality...
...Similarly, if the national government did anything to restrict the free exercise of religion, it would have to be by compelling conformity, in conduct, to its own legitimate secular laws regardless of religious demands to the contrary...
...In avoiding the artificial "glitter" of previous occasions, the director of this year's performance replaced it, in suitable style, with those elements of '70s glitter that, one can only hope, will be dismissed with a sneer in some comfortable future...
...Brezhnev be miffed by such a policy, so be k. We are willing to negotiate despite our philosophical differences with the oppressive clique that currently rules his land...
...nary to taking office seemed to remain in the required oath or affirmation--the latter a substitute for the oath's swearing (by God) intended not for atheists but for Quakers and others whose religion forbade taking oaths...
...The answcrmfortunately~is yes...
...In just four decades, consumer prices rose by an astonishing 344 percent/ And worse i n f l a t i o n - m u c h worse-could strike this year...
...It cannot be claimed that the duties taught by the Bible and those required by liberal democracy are identical, but a zone of intersection does exist, and the broad moral monotheism of the Bible does share similarities with the monotheism of the rights of man in the Declaration of Independence...
...These consequences-not simply in terms of public wrath but of practices now existing, varying in scope and import, that will have to be surrendered--he never fully pictures and hence fails to weigh...
...Platinum j ing the Ih~t three or f01r i_-__-__-t, and receive a fall r _9 T~ lkm of lmtmm-Pa,)6q Ckm~- /m Fo~,~a Cumm</m /m I Acemmu _9 to Trade bl Commad/~ J on the balance of my sutmcrl...
...Accept this passage as it stands and you are compelled to reject as unconstitutional every mode, however slight, by which government assists (or expresses) religion...
...And we need it now...
...The modern Supreme Court, first for the non-religious parts of the First in Gitlow (1925) and then for the religious parts in Cantwell (1940), read the liberties originally guaranteed against Congressional interference into the " l i b e r t y " the Fourteenth guaranteed against state deprivation ("...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law...
...The public has the right to assist education wherever it occurs, and on completely secular grounds (because of the secular good education does...
...He fails to examine what the Framers understood by the words "establishment" and "religion...
...The former (whether on the state or national level) involves aid to the secular elements of the schools, which only indirectly has the effect of assisting the religions involved...
...Will you be one of those who survive and prosper'f Or will you-like most Americans-sit back and watch helplessly while your income and savi,gs depredate in value...
...He apparently sees constitutional principles as akin to eggs--made to be broken...
...THE ALTERNATIVE Circulation Department P.O...
...in which its contents originally appeared...
...200 PlI~ AW~R S/~tl~ New York, N.Y, 10O...
...Madison relied on the existence of numerous sects to providi substantial (though not perfect) protectiot against state establishments...
...957-58) And two y~cars later, these startling plans were even more startlingly modified in one respect, as the following university regulation written by Jefferson indicates: Should the religious sects of this State, or any of them, according to the invitation held out to them, establish within, or adjacent to, the precincts of the University schools for instruction in the religion of their sect, the students of the University will be free, and expected to attend religious worship at the establishment of their respective sects, in the morning, and in time to meet their school in the University at its stated hour...
...We'll send you a full refund for the remaining issues-no questions asked...
...The question looming behind the con...
...stitutional questions in Washington's, Tocqueville's, and our own day is whether American democracy can be given a completely secular and non-religious basis...
...No doubt there may be some benefits in violating the establishment clause, just as the nation might profit by suppressing Mr...
...But first, you should know exactly why renewed inflation is inevitable...
...This seems to have generated considerable opposition from states-rights forces, for the final wording of the amendment (after a succession of changes in the House, the Senate, and the House-Senate conference committee) can hardly be interpreted as an overall Madisonian victory...
...Address CRy State Zip I All contributions to the Center are tax-deductible...
...The others were either contradicted, significantly modified, or dropped...
...Easy to read...
...After many years of careful thought and [] My contribution is at least $50, qualifying me as a "Center Donor...
...shall, in all things relating to education and the government of their pupils, he under the direction and control of the visitors...
...Not many people understand what's going to happen...
...10003 | [] I want to know more about the Center...
...Clip the coupon, and write a check for your maximum contribution, today...
...Begin deliberation, the founders of the Center for my subscription to In Pursuit o f Liberty, the Center's newsletter...
...The prudential aspect of absolute separationism, applied with concrete effect here and now, never becomes a direct object of thought because Mr...
...it simply places specific restrictions on the power of Congress...
...By adopting the language it did, the committee made it impossible for Congress to make any law having to do with ("respecting") any establishment anywhere, whether on the national level or in the states...
...The 1933 dollar is today worth just 23 cents...
...And fewer still will know how to profit from the many opportunities renewed inflation will offer...
...Chapman attributes the "major impetus for toleration" to the Great Awakening of the eighteenth century--a wave of religious revivalism in the I740s spawning many new sects and hence a "general acceptance of toleration...
...He does not claim for the Supreme Court the role of supreme policymaker, or look to it for an expansion of liberty and equality beyond that intended by the Founders and the Framers of amendments...
...For America--and for the world...
...Nor does Black see the illogic--the intrinsic impossibilitymof construing the establishment part as a limitation on the states--an error caused by his failure to realize that half of its purpose was precisely to protect state establishments against Congressional interference...
...He argues for an illogical incorporation of the First Amendment into the Fourteenth's guarantee of"liberty...
...submissive m the deity...
...but m speak forthrightly in defense of the human rights we cherish, on those occasions when such rights are trampled upon by other governments, is quite another...
...Whatever the defects of his lucid essay, it has the supreme virtue of insisting that only the original meaning of the two amendments is authoritative, and that the Court's task is not to balance competing interests for and against an accommodation between church and state but to discover and apply this meaning...
...They continue to arm every thug on the globe so long as he shows a glimmer of interest in the Marxist whim-wham...
...What about you...
...Our newsletter, a vehicle for keeping our supporters informed about libertarian ideas and events...
...They have four new types of intercontinental ballistic missiles in production--the SS-16, SS-17, SS-19, and the huge SS-18, a missile that is only of value to a nation seeking a first-strike capability...
...Do a few parts in poorly received comedies qualify one to cavort about as a host to fdmdom ? Surely some...
...But to continue this vital program in defense of freedom, the Center needs your support...
...As I explained, the First Amendmerit was not originally meant to restrict the actions of the states with regard to religion...
...Acknowledging the "storm of public outrage" that followed the school prayer decisions (to which must be added the frenetic efforts at constitutional amendment that fell just short of the two-thirds majority needed in Congress), Mr...
...The precise relationship created between the state and the religion it established could vary enormously, both in the amount of subordination to the state required, and in the areas where marks of preference were exhibited...
...it is the truly indispensable element in the counterattack against statist oppression...
...His plans for dealing with religion in Virginia's schools and university are especially interesting for our purposes, and full of surprises...
...But to tell the religions that all their property (or property of a certain kind) will remain untaxed is to treat them equally, not unequally, despite the fact that if they were taxed they would have to pay very unequal amounts...
...grace was the 1971 winner, something called "Shaft," from a black exploitation movie of the same name...
...Your tax-deductible contribution of $50 or more qualifies you as a "Center Donor...
...Tc see why God had to be introduced, simply subtitute for "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights" the phrase "endowed by the process of evolution (or the blind working of nature) with certain inalienable rights...
...The conferences and seminars, the Research Fellows Program, the publications and Educational Project, the headquarters and staff--all of these cost money...
...What is particularly discouraging is that "Evergreen" won practically by default, there being such a dearth of suitable entries...
...Mail the coupon today...
...We are now prepared to examine Justice Black's interpretation of the establishment section of the First Amendment in Everson --an interpretation that to this day remains fundamentally unchallenged on the Court, and rarely challenged off it: The "establishment of religion" clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a State nor the Federal Government can set up a church...
...Fortunately, since overruling the large majority of the people on an extremely sensitive subject must always cause problems in a democracy, the case for absolute separationism, both constitutionally and prudentially, is weak...
...He would certainly not make a shibboleth of an absolute separationism that Jefferson himself shunned in his own day and would find wholly misguided were he facing the moral and political problems we face today...
...Notice also that all Madison wanted was a guarantee that Congress could not establish a national religion...
...though the Cubans have been conducting hostile operations in Angola, South Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, the Spanish Sahara, and Mozambique, and though during the 1973 Middle East war the North Koreans flew combat sorties for the Syrians and joined with the North Vietnamese to man Syrian air defenses...
...Much of it essentially recounts my own version, offering no new insights into the subject...
...Are good times really here again...
...Banks collapsing by the hundreds...
...Your subscription to the "Inflation Survival Letter" is the second step...
...The government may again outlaw private ownership of gold...
...Enclosed is my check for $10.00 x71 (please print) Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . Date of change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1971...
...What the second religious section protects is the free exercise of religion--not of irreligion, or belief, or conscience--but only in such a way that Congress may not prohibit this exercise...
...ISL brings you the advice o f the world's most respected investment writers and survival experts...
...The Encyclopedia Britannica (Thirteenth Edition) puts it this way: Perhaps the best definition which can be given, and which will cover all cases, is that establishment implies the existence of some definite and distinctive relation between the state and a religious society (or conceivably more than one) other than that which is shared in by other societies of the same general character...
...Madison's two other proposals would have prevented the national government from infringing anyone's civil rights "on account of religious belief or worship," or infringing "the full and equal rights of conscience in any manner, or on any pretext...
...Lowenthai's essay is interesting and thoughtful, but ultimately unpersuasive...
...A time may come when some of the most moving passages from presidential addresses of the past, including those of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln, will be subjected by legalistic historians to the sternest censure, or even have their references to God excised as unfit for the gaze of neutral citizens...
...Lowenthal's prediction about how the Declaration of Independence might be taught is impenetrable--I have no idea what he is trying to say...
...W88e and price controls will be imposed once s p i n . | Unemployment and f o o d lines will be in store for most Americans...
...Lowenthal, who should kno, better, sees nothing wrong with violatin constitutional guarantees when there i something to be gained by it...
...Here is a risk-free, low-cost trial o f f e r f o r new subscribers only: a full eight months o f ISL for only $20...
...Signs of such excess are all around us today: much general violation of law, an incredible crime rate, the decay in the sense of integrity and selfsacrifice, the spread of sexual laxity and vulgar hedonism, and a widespread yieldhag of citizen consciousness to the pampered vanity of the rootless individual...
...There the separation of church and state was first set forth as a leading principle of political life, along 18 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 with its necessary corollary--the supremacy of secular or civil interests over any ecclesiastical or religious interest whatsoever...
...And the Manual o f Inflation Hedges is yours absolutely free to hr t ! Look at the bargain you get with this special "package o f f e r ' ': _9 Sixteen issues of ISL at the single issue rate ($2 per issue) . $32.00 _9 The MANUAL OF INFLATION HEDGES (Retail Value) . . . . . . 9.95 _9 Total Value . . . . . . . . . . . $41,95 _9 You Pay Only . . . . . . . . . . . 20.QQ _9 You Save 52...
...Even if you decide to cancel, the "Manual o f Inflation Hedges" is still yours to keep-just for giving ISL a try...
...Atheism and agnosticism were not religions: in fact, the philosophical deism or theism found in the Declaration of Independence was not a religion either...
...The "Manual" shows you the basic steps and how to take them...
...By helping to support the Center with a contribution, you'll be taking the single most immediate and important step in the struggle to restore individual liberty and establish a truly free society...
...As for aid or expressions of support that might be brought about in conjunction with a legitimate legislative purpose, either as a means or ancillary to it, the stipulations of the First Amendment demand only non-preference among religions, or their equal treatment, nothing more...
...In this year's February issue, Mr...
...And in th4 eyes of most Americans it is this emanatio, from God that endows the America, system of government and society with it~ justness and goodness--in short, tha hallows it...
...No other interpretation will account for the carefully varied verbs in the First Amendment, or for the final phases of its formulation in Congress before it passed to the state legislatures for ratification...
...Print your new address and mail this form to The Alternative...
...I propose no program of senseless insults, nor do I recommend that we disregard considerations of the appropriateness of time and place in making our public pronouncements...
...Chapman, grant that the establishment section was directed not only at preventing a national estabfishment but at protecting existing state establishments from national interference...
...His remarks are moralistic, to be sure...
...To take nothing from each and every religion is in fact to regard them as equal religions rather than as propertyowners characterized by different amounts of wealth...
...The religions, in short, must continue to be concerned about a possible diminution of their own identity...
...And it should encourage the Court to reconsider its erroneous view of the First and Fourteenth Amendments and reassure the country, both for its short-range concord and long-range prosperity, that it need never cease being "one nation, under God...
...Exchange eontro~ will prevent you from sending your money abroad...
...What's more, it digests the most important items from over 200 financial and survival publications (which would cost you more than $8,000 i f you subscribed to them all yourself...
...If this process of decline is permitted to go much further the results could easily move from the realm of the sad to the comic...
...Lowenthal raises several awful prospects that he expects to result from the consistent enforcement of separation...
...To remedy this defect, Jefferson proposed that the various sects be permitted to establish their religious schools on the confines of the university and have access to university facilities, thus enabling students to attend the sect of their choice...
...Yet Washington directs its complaints at such minor international boors as the Brazilians, the Argentines, the Chileans, and the South Africans...
...Now, the publishers o f ISL have collected these important articles together in a book that is yours free...
...In 1969 the Soviets attained numerical equality with the American ballistic missile force, and by 1970 they had nearly 250 more missiles than the United States...
...There is an organization that is working actively right now to combat the tide o f statism and restore our liberties...
...Or is it possible that the Soviets have decided to develop a military capability suited to the truculence of their rhetoric...
...This friendly atmosphere should encourage the various religions to discover what they have in common that can be of use to democracy in a public setting...
...I)on't hdieve it...
...Bankruptcies by the thouImnds...
...Box 877 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 (Please attach address label here...
...As for "establishment" itself, it is a term that arose in England after the Reformation, and in connection with the state's choosing a particular church or religion as its own...
...The social ills Mr...
...ISL'g UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE I f you are not fully satisfied with ISL after reading three or four issues, let us know...
...Chapman reports...
...Inflation will be back this year-and worse than ever before...
...Distributed to hundreds of university libraries, it prorides an alternative--finally--to the seemingly endless stream of liberal and socialist publications now influencing Amnka's intdlnamls and college ~__den_ts...
...And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion...
...Yet, most surprisingly and most impressively, there is not a single mention of God in either the Preamble or body of the Constitution--a notable omission compared with four such references in the philosophical Declaration of Independence and at least one in the Articles of Confederation...
...They are simply regarded as efforts to foster the religion of the majority, whereas state legislatures have explicitly and properly defended them as essential ingredients of civic training...
...Ludwig yon Mises, Henry Hazlitt, Robert D. Kephart, Arthur A. Ekirch, Yale Brozen, Robert _9 A Research Fellows Program...
...Noting the absence of courses in divinity, he admitted that man's relation to his Maker was of supreme importance to every human being, and that "The want of instruction in the various creeds of religious faith existing among our citizens presents, therefore, a Chasm in a general instruction of useful sciences...
...Carter's comments on human rights do not require greater carefulness...
...20784 THE MANUAL OF INFLATION HEDGES I : ,,.~,, s~0 ~ , . -he~p...
...Since last November, you've probably been asking yourself: "Can anything be done to reverse this ominous trend...
...But what he found all around him on his visit was a sufficient separation, not the perfect separation Mr...
...Thmcfot~ that porfioa of your om~ilmtion to tl~ Catt~ of ~0 ~ mc~ whi~ ~ r 16 ~ ~ f y m ma-dedu~Me, AI ~ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m | d The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 3g Nor did Tocqueville: ...Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot...
...In fact, in the minds of most Americans these two " Such aid will vary depending on the number of schools the various religions maintain, but to avoid the charge of establishment, aid to the distinctly religious elements of the religions must be non-preferential and precisely equal...
...Moreover, his account of the establishment "clause" contains so many elements normally associated with "free exercise" as to make one wonder why the Framers found it necessary to add an additional "clause" on that subject at all...
...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Man and Citizens...
...He certainly would have opposed a completely secularized education for the young...
...It is hard to imagine how anyone could interpret the final wording of the First Amendment as a "spectacular defeat for Madison...
...A growing number of scholars, including Mr...
...And he concludes in favor of Justice Black's mistaken statement of principles in Everson calling for a "wall of separation between church and state...
...Lowenthai's points are erroneous...
...In fact, a kind of implicit and minimal religious prelimi...
...As for not infringing "the full and equal rights of conscience" in even the slightest manner, this Madisonian demand was dropped in favor of the First Amendment's second religious section, whereby Congress was prevented from making any law "prohibiting the free exercise thereof...
...Establishment, in fact, was the political means (coming with or after the Protestant Reformation) of preserving an unambiguous religious preference, an unambiguous source of consecration in a society marked by religious diversity...
...It is quite true that democracy's needs must cause it to employ those elements common to the various religions rather than peculiar to each, and useful to it rather than to them...
...John Bingham, who explicitly stated that the Amendment was meant to extend the prohibitions in the Bill of Rights to the states...
...Ardently emitring sweet vaporings about "stable world peace" as though they defined a reality rather than an aspiration, our leaders have apparently been oblivious to the energetic activities of the Soviets and their proxy forces all over Africa, the Middle East, and, of course, Southeast Asia...
...Carter's chastisement of the Soviets on this score reflects that concern, and deserves our approbation and support...
...Norman Mailer, America's next nominee for the Nobel Prize for literature, handed the screenplay Oscar over after some introductory remarks about pederasty...
...But in the main, Mr...
...Lowenthai's discussion of the purpose and scope of the Fourteenth Amendment is simply confused...
...No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions...In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect "a wall of separation between church and State...
...against the devastat, ng You've been hearing a lot of talk lately about an "upturn in the economy" and a "return to prosperity...
...In short, we are rapidly being tmmported to the totalitarian world of "1984...
...In 1976 still another Soviet submarine appeared...
...This Jefferson openly insisted on the crucial public importance of the belief in God and the morality--the rights and duties--derived therefrom...
...What is the test of a good song...
...Yesterday it was nonsectarian prayers and Bible readings, tomorrow (despite IVa/z's makeshift ban on only "excessive entanglement") it will be tax privileges for religion, and, the day after, the mention of God in pledge, anthem, motto, and oath, and in "God save this honorable court...
...Like ISL itself, the "Manual" is simple, brief, easily understood...
...Since 1966 the United States has not deployed a single new strategic system, nor will it until 1980 when the first Trident submarines become operational...
...To grant wider circulation to the ideas of individualism and the free market...
...This 70,000-word book is being nationally advertised at $9.95...
...Then too the Soviets have developed the Backfgre bomber and MIRVs...
...Chapman's essay contains some errors that are unfortunately common in discussions of church and state...
...It should encourage intellectuals to reduce their suspicion of religion, and their frequently unthinking devotion to a dogmatic separationism...
...The word could not be diluted (as the modem Court has done) without ruinous consequences...
...And why nothing the President or Congress (or anyone else) can do will prevent it...
...How did the First Amendment affect this picture...
...Let us start with religion...
...I suggested in my article that Madison changed the phrase "rights of conscience" to the "slighdy more ambiguous" term "free exercise of religion," but I doubt he regarded the change as significant...
...An arms agreement, even if otherwise desirable, is no bargain flit is purchasable only at the price of our silence on the verymatters which we profess to be the ends of legitimate government, and which we contend set us apart from so many others in the course of human history...
...Padover's Jefferson, p. 1076) Far from forbidding these religious activities as such, the clear expectation here is that they will be undertaken and should therefore be so selected as not to offend any sect...
...And Lillian Hellman--well, what more is there to say...
...Nevertheless, Mr...
...If the national government did anything to express or assist religion, it would be as a consideration instrumental or ancillary to one of its legitimate secular ends, and on a non-preferential basis...
...In a strongly Christian country this is already an amazing accomplishment, and should be appreciated as such...
...Without dilating on these issues, we can at least prove that in so absorbing the establishment section of the First, the Court performed a feat of illogic that not even its vast authority can justify...
...Madison's most compre...
...For these reasons, assistance or encouragement to all religions would not have been considered an establishment of religion at that time: in fact, it would have been considered at best an unusual and peripheral possibility, raising none of the dangers feared from the mutual contesting of religions or churches for supremacy, and from the domination of some by others...
...k was closer to a partial victory: the Constitution included a strict prohibition of any state support of religion, but applied it only to the actions of the federal govermnem...
...The insistence on non-infringement raises a clearer difficulty, for does "conscience" protect not only all beliefs but all actions dictated by it, and are both together not to be infringed...
...Obviously, maintaining a military posture of mere sufficiency or parity is not as chic in the USSR as it is in so many Western think-tanks...
...If the conference committee had merely wanted to prevent a national religion from being established, simple wording to that effect, as in one of Madison's original motions, would have sufficed...
...Of the four Madisonian proposals, therefore, only one--the ban on establishing a national religion--directly became an element, if not an explicit part, of the First Amendment...
...YOUR OWN INFLATION-SURVIVAL INSURANCE PLAN Now, can you protect yourself and your assets from this rapidly-approaching economic crisis...
...Washington had no doubt of the answer: Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports...
...Moreover, how is a claim attributed to "conscience" to be tested...
...Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle...
...the prohibitions included in the First Amendment were applied to the states only by the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment...
...Now all we need is you...
...In these circumstances, a prudent legislator would hardly seek to reduce the resources at his disposal for making democracy more coherent and stable...
...one with less tenuous connections to Hollywood could have been found...
...Perhaps it was to avoid these pitfalls that the Framers of the First Amendment setded on language by which Congress was enjoined from passing any law prohibiting (not infringing) the free exercise of religion (not conscience...
...Your support is the final link that will make it all possible...
...When you begin to read the "lnflatk)n Survival Letter," you'll realize that it is more important to your financial survival than any other publication you have ever read...
...Shocking ~ortages will follow...
...Learn how to protect yourself-before the kind o f shocking hyper-inflation described above hits you where you live...
...After advertising minks and sharing a stage with Richard Pryor, what triumphs remain for this Grand Old Woman who, as she has said, has no regrets...
...Liberal democracy will do better if, as part of a generally revitalized program of civic education, common and memorable elements of the Biblical heritage are drawn upon to help bolster it and remedy its defects...
...gious beliefs, for church attendance or nonattendance...
...If such aid were actually proportioned to the amounts of property already possessed by the various religions, the amounts of aid would be unequal and hence an establishment of a kind...
...Send me your Information Packet...
...In the box below are the titles o f 17 typical ISL articles...
...Be sure to include the line of information above your name...
...9 im Rare a~l A~-~emr Hedges...
...It's called "The Manual o f Inflation Hedges (and Other Money Secrets).'" This could be one o f the most important books you'll ever read...
...thai's suggestion that the term "establish...
...It may be obliged, however, to abridge or infringe what it cannot prohibit...
...Since the middle sixties the United States has done little to expand its strategic capacity, but the Soviets have greeted our unilateral arms limitation with one of the most vigorous armaments drives in history...
...This could only mean that Virginia's nonestablishment rule did not bar such aid to all religions, thus confirming the definition of establishment proffered above...
...Edited by renowned economist Murray N. Rothbard, the Journat is a forum for the best in libertarian scholarship...
...Assuredly it cannot, and so, notwithstanding everything the Court and its supporters have said to the contrary, this right still remains with the states (as far as the U.S...
...A one-stop "how to do i t " and "where to find i t " reference source...
...p m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m q Nisbet, Thomas $7~ and many others, m YES...
...If he successfully spurns thei cynicism and defeatism he will hay, provided the Western democracies al inestimable service, though if I were to pu my money on it I would wager that th, decay runs too deep...
...Quite simply, if our actions around the globe are m have meaning and purpose, recognition of that aspect is vital, particularly in an age when so many governments seem bent on proving George Orwell an accurate prophet...
...Could this 30 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 31 have been the intention of the great man who gave us both the Declaration and the "wall of separation" ? In assessing Black's interpretation, it is hardly irrelevant to begin by mentioning the immense weight of precedent, from the inception of the Republic onward, favoring a great variety of connections between religion and government, even where nonestablishment and religious freedom had been declared...
...Prayer and Bible-reading in the public schools hardly ever receive fair or adequate treatment at the hands of their opponents...
...Libertarian Studies have developed the following program: oThe Journal of Hbaqarlan ShJd...
...For your life--and that of your children...
...it is more needed in democratic republics than in any others...
...In its original form it was a discordant series of electronic burps and screeches, punctuated by spoken street-wise argot and containing, literally, no discernible melody...
...By examining the Constitution and the First Amendment, and by recalling what Madison and Jefferson did with public education in Virginia, we can see that the Founders intended no such absolute separation...
...Here the Framers thought only of groups (an immediate advantage over "conscience") engaging in the public worship of God or gods, usually with the help of ministers and rituals, and involving actions of diverse kinds thought pleasing to the deity and necessary to salvation...
...What is the meaning of "an establishment of religion" ? Evidently the Framers wanted to use a broader term than the more familiar "established c h u r c h " - which was too narrow to cover the Protestantism or Christianity established in some of the states...
...Social Security benefits, savings, pensions and insurance policies will become worthless...
...Now it is also true that the Declaration presents a somewhat one-sided view of free society, impelled as its authors were to emphasize the rights the British violated much more than the duties necessary to sustaining such a society, or the elevation necessary to ennoble it...
...t (And Other Money Secrets) I (t6ilsum)ofISL at a saviqP~ ~ n~Ndm'rste" I Alto rush my f~e copy d "The Maamd of inl~timt _9 Li...
...You'll discover that ISL is more than merely useful--it's lndl~p~nsibl...
...In his projected "Act for Establishing Elementary Schools" (1817), Jefferson did not permit ministers of the gospel to serve as visitors (overseers), fearing the sectarian jealousy that might be awakened if they did...
...The frightful deficits now being piled up by Congress plus forty years o f grossly mismanaged fiscal and monetary polities have brought this country to the brink of an economic nightmare...
...Neither can force or influence a person to go to or remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion...
...It is significant that Mr...
...Finally, Jefferson never gave the slightest indication that in matters of this sort the rights of atheists or agnostics were being infringed...
...or dictatorship...
...Here are the proposals of the man who did more for both religious freedom and public education in Virginia than anyone else (with the possible exception of Madison), who long before had written the Declaration of Independence, and who at one point, as the nation's chief executive, had spoken of a "wall of separation between church and State" erected by the First Amendment...
...Please attach address label from the most recent issue of your Alternative in the space below...
...There could be an enormous variation in the civil disabilities visited on the unestablished religions as well...
...Both lower and higher public education, each in its own way, were charged with conveying these to the young, either through prayers and Biblereadings, or through natural theology (a philosophical teaching), the morality common to all sects, and the most relevant political writings...
...Lowenthal contends, that Jefferson applied the principle of separation rather inconsistently, but that is no reason the Supreme Court should do so...
...In a report of 1822, Jefferson showed how far he was willing to accommodate the various religious sects at the new university...
...Stete and municipal governments will fall into bankruptcy, in some areas, violence, f o o d riot& and physical danger will follow...
...That organization is the Center for Libertarian Studies...
...9 "In Pursuit of Liberty...
...No other publication in America consistently brings you articles like these...
...Lowenthal's right m free speech...
...Another tuneless, banal series of bars like "Evergreen" serves only to emphasize the sad fact that movies are no longer musical, and that k is practically felonious to give the same award to Paul Williams as to any of the songwriters mentioned above...
...The protection of the tax-exempt status is perfectly appropriate, since taxing churches would clearly violate the free exercise clause...
...In any case, what the free exercise was intended m mean sheds little light on the separation issue...
...As Mr...
...In all probability, therefore, Madison, Jefferson, and their allies derived their novel position not from the religious tradition or experience in America but, like the Declaration of Independence itself, from modern liberal philosophy...
...In addition to knowing that you're supporting this vitally important crusade, you'll receive a complimentary subscription to In t~rsuit o f Liberty, our lively and informative newsletter...

Vol. 10 • May 1977 • No. 8

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.